Bureau social & political developments

Bureau social & political developments

Ukraine Kyiv

Development of development strategies in all spheres of social policy: social protection, social services, social dialogue, public health, as well as on environmental issues. Expertise and improvement of the legal conditions to ensure effective reforms. Developing a common vision among civil society organizations working in the social, ecologicall and medical spheres on the directions and outcomes of reform


Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability

Since 2020, has been coordinating the working group "Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability" of the Ukrainian National Civil Society Platform of the Eastern Partnership. The Bureau is working on the implementation of the Memorandum signed with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to ensure equality of human and civil rights and freedoms, implementation of labor legislation to ensure the principle of non-discrimination in labor, participates in the work of the Interparliamentary Deputy Association of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine named "National Health and Human Rights" and the Intersectoral Platform on Business and Human Rights.